Quantum experimentation for everyone.
We provide MIT-licensed materials to build a custom magneto-optical trap, the 1997 Nobel Prize-winning apparatus that has since become the foundation for the entire field of atomic and molecular physics.
Generate and observe a variety of quantum phenomena.
With OpenQuantum's designs, students, researchers, hackers, and inventors can design a number of different quantum experiments and devices.
Bose-Einstein Condensates
Coherent many-body states of matter.
Precision Spectroscopy
Light measurement for atomic analysis.
Atom Arrays
Quantum information with Rydberg atoms.
Students & beginners
Hands-on quantum mechanics. Make the process of learning quantum engineering less intimidating and more exciting.
Experienced hackers & inventors
Accelerate your development. OpenQuantum is a springboard to get more people contributing to the development of quantum technologies.
Resources for learning. We're a tight-knit community of engineers, scientists, and makers.

Join 50+ contributors from 5 countries.
We're global. OpenQuantum is developed by a small crew of passionate scientists and makers from around the world.
Want to help? If you're looking to donate, contribute, partner with us, or have a question, please get in touch.